
Best plastic surgeon toronto

Vaginal Rejuvenation Turns Back the Clock

Vaginal rejuvenation is helping women around the world get their sexy bodies back. If you’ve taken a ride on the subway at any point over the past several months, you’ve likely seen advertisements for vaginal rejuvenation, designer vaginas and a whole host of other procedures aimed at revitalizing female genitalia. And if you’ve paid attention to some of the online conversations surrounding these procedures, you might be left with the impression that vaginal rejuvenation isn’t worth the investment.


However, Dr. Ali Adibfar, the medical director at one of Toronto’s best medical spas is here to dispel the common rumours about cosmetic gynecology and show you how our vaginoplasty and labiaplasty procedures can work wonders for any woman looking to turn back the clock for a bit of revitalization.


Let’s discover why vaginal rejuvenation, essentially a“facelift” for the vagina, is quickly becoming one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures in Toronto, Canada and North America!


Vaginal Rejuvenation Overview

Vaginal rejuvenation is a combination of both a labiaplasty and vaginoplasty. Depending on your goals and needs, we may pair it with other cosmetic gynecology enhancements such as G-Spot Amplification. These cosmetic procedures are designed as a solution for women who have experienced childbirth, want to reverse the signs of aging, or who simply desire a more symmetrical, sexually enhanced and aesthetically pleasing vagina.


Vaginoplasty aims to tighten a vagina that has become loose or slack in order to improve tone and firmness. Primarily, it involves tightening the vaginal walls, opening the vagina and removing excess tissue.


“A labiaplasty can relieve physical discomfort and dissatisfaction by resizing the labia majora or labia minora,” explains Dr. Adibfar, one of the top plastic surgeons in Toronto. “Elongated labial folds are reduced, resulting in a more visually appealing genital area and improved sexual confidence.”
And given that each woman’s vagina is different and unique, Dr. Adibfar and his team will tailor each vaginal rejuvenation to meet the specific needs and wants of each individual woman.


The Benefits of Vaginal Rejuvenation 

Not only do most patients find themselves much more satisfied with the aesthetic look of their vagina after undergoing this procedure, there are also several other benefits to consider when looking into a vaginal rejuvenation.


First off is comfort. Many women often suffer from extreme discomfort when uneven or large labia are irritated by clothes or strenuous activity. Our procedure will take your specific needs into account and design a vagina that will provide you with the best, most comfortable experience imaginable.


The vaginal rejuvenation can also do wonders for a woman’s confidence. Even minor changes to both the appearance and feeling of the vagina can help any woman feel more desirable and beautiful. Particularly, women who experience childbirth or who has undergone significant surgery can often be left feeling less than perfect. But with a properly tailored procedure, we can make them feel as perfect as they are!


Of particular importance to many women who undergo a vaginoplasty is the noticeable enhancement of pleasure – for both parties. Thanks to the increased firmness of the interior of the vagina as a result of the procedure, a couple can each experience far more satisfaction than ever before. Many women also report experiencing increased sensitivity, which can help to amplify the sexual experience immeasurably.


Vaginal Rejuvenation: Your Procedure & Recovery

Vaginal rejuvenation is a safe, outpatient procedure. Dr. Adibfar has extensive experience performing this plastic surgery procedure and uses innovative techniques to complete the procedure in his state-of-the-art facility.


During the vaginoplasty, incisions are made to allow loose muscle in the back of the vagina to be joined together and shortened. This tightens the surrounding soft tissues and muscles. The diameter of the vaginal opening is reduced by minimizing the amount of vaginal lining (mucosa), after which excess tissue can be removed. All incisions are repaired using internal, dissolvable stitches.


There are several different approaches when it comes to completing a labiaplasty, as the procedure can focus on shortening and re-sculpting either the labia majora OR the labia minora (with the latter being most common).


The majority of patients undergo the trim method, which brings the minora in line with the majora to create a more even and inconspicuous look. Dr. Adibfar will trim off a strip of the edge of the labium, removing that unwanted portion. The new cut edge is then sutured so it will heal promptly and form minimal scarring.


Some patients also choose to undergo the wedge method of labiaplasty, which involves cutting a “V” through the labium and joining the two edges together. This preserves the labial edge and creates a more natural look.


We also perform laser vaginal tightening for patients that require minimal vaginal tightening. This non-invasive procedure requires very minimal downtime.


After a few days following surgery, you’ll be able to walk normally. Within 4 to 6 weeks you’ll be able to engage in regular activities again, including sexual activity.