
Tummy Tuck & Other Body Enhancements

body enhancements

Regardless of strict dieting, rigorous exercise regimens, and weight control methods, our bodies often don’t reflect how we feel. Excess fat, loose skin or disproportionate shapes, often leave both men and women dissatisfied with the reflection they see in the mirror. However, optimal body contour can be achieved with Dr. Adibfar’s body enhancements and fat reduction options. Through the safe and permanent removal of stubborn fat cells, a slimmer and firmer body can be attained, resulting in patient satisfaction and increased confidence. It’s about selecting the right body enhancements for your goals.

Body enhancements and body contouring procedures offered by Dr. Adibfar include:

Tummy Tuck

body enhancements: the tummy tuck


The Tummy Tuck (or, abdominoplasty) works to flatten the abdomen, remove excess fat, remove stretch marks, and eliminate unwanted skin. In order to achieve a firm, tight, and youthful abdomen, two incisions are made (below the navel and the lower abdomen), after which Dr. Adibfar will reposition and tighten the abdomen wall muscles, stretch the skin down, eliminate the excess skin, and reattach the skin to complete the procedure.

Abdominoplasty requires a significant recovery time and scarring is unavoidable, however Dr. Adibfar will position the incisions as to allow for coverage with average clothing. Once the drains are removed (approximately seven days after surgery), light exercise is recommended to accelerate recovery. Total recovery time varies, but is estimated at five to six weeks. As for body enhancements, this could be a great choice to meet your goals.


For a detailed review of your options when it comes to body enhancements including the tummy tuck, contact Dr. Ali Adibfar, one of the best plastic surgeons in Toronto to book your consultation.

Mini Tummy Tuck

the mini tummy tuck


The Mini Tummy Tuck (partial abdominoplasty) is fairly similar to the full version of the procedure and offers great benefits when it comes to body enhancements. However, in this case, the mini tummy tuck requires smaller incisions (resulting in a smaller scar), has a faster recover time and potentially allow for an easier recovery in general. The ideal patient for the mini tummy tuck has few stretch marks, reverted back to their pre-pregnancy weight, has only had one previous pregnancy, and does not have significant amounts of loose, hanging skin or fat.


For a detailed review of your options when it comes to body enhancements including the mini tummy tuck, contact Dr. Ali Adibfar, one of the best plastic surgeons in Toronto to book your consultation.

Mommy Makeovers

the mommy makeover


The plight of many mothers, both new and old, is the difficulty to regain the pre-pregnancy body they once knew. Regardless of high active lifestyles, superb nutrition and weight control, the post-motherhood body leaves many women self-conscious, unhappy and unsatisfied. In order to reclaim the pre-childbirth shape, a series of tailored surgical procedures can bring that youthful appearance back. Loose skin, sagging breasts, stubborn fat deposits, large abdomen, and lost volume in the breasts, can all be resolved with the Mommy Makeover, which includes a tummy tuck. Likewise, through childbirth and age, many women desire vaginoplasty and/or labiaplasty to restore their vaginal appearance and enhance lost sensation.

Body enhancements procedures include:

  • Breast lift &/or Augmentation,
  • Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck)
  • Vaginal Tightening &/or Labiaplasty

For a detailed review of your options when it comes to body enhancements including the tummy tuck and the Mommy Makeover, contact Dr. Ali Adibfar, one of the best plastic surgeons in Toronto to book your consultation.

Full Body/Thigh Lift

the body lift?


A full body lift, also known as a belt lipectomy, removes excess skin and fatty tissue, often caused by extreme weight loss, pregnancy or general aging. Improving the shape and tone of the underlying tissue that supports fat and skin for the full body, a full body lift provides a solution to stretched, loose skin that has permanently lost its elasticity. Offering dramatic, permanent results, contours of the body are lifted, smoothed, and flattened. Likewise, sagging skin around the abdomen, hips and buttocks are tightened and lifted. Dimpled, irregular skin, also known as cellulite, may also be improved with the full body lift procedure.


a body lift may include these areas:

Abdominal Area: Excess abdominal fat and sagging skin that is local or extends around the sides and into the lower back area.
Buttocks: Low, flat or asymmetrical buttocks may be lifted and tightened.
Groin: Unflattering skin and fat that extends from the crease of the groin to the inner thigh.
Thigh: Inner, outer, poster thigh and thigh circumference that suffers from drooping skin and unwanted fatty tissue.


what a body lift will not do

A belt lipectomy is not intended for those who desire to solely remove excess fat. Liposuction alone can remove unwanted fat deposits in targeted areas where skin has retained elasticity and is able to naturally adjust to the new body contours.

In cases where skin elasticity is poor, a combination of liposuction and a body lift technique may be recommended.


body Lift recovery

During recovery, dressings or bandages will be applied to any incisions incurred during the procedure. Small, thin tubes may be temporarily placed under the skin to drain any excess blood.

Specific instructions, including how to care for the surgical sites following surgery, medication doses and applications, and how to avoid infections, will all be addressed by Dr. Adibfar prior to the surgery, during consultation.

Due to the varying nature of the procedure, recovery times may fall between two to three weeks.


For a detailed review of your options when it comes to body enhancements including the tummy tuck and a body lift, contact Dr. Ali Adibfar, one of the best plastic surgeons in Toronto to book your consultation.

Calf Implant

calf implants


Calf augmentation, an increasingly popular procedure, creates a cosmetic fullness in the lower leg. Creating an aesthetic structure and balance to the leg, calf implants are often sought after by male and female patients who are unable to attain the calf structure they desire regardless of extensive exercise regimens. Best suited for lower leg sculpting, the procedure can also correct muscle imbalance as a result of both physical and congenital defects (skinny/chicken legs, bowleggedness, clubfoot, or disproportionate calf development).


Calf implants are usually only performed by a small, select group of plastic and cosmetic surgeons. Those who have an adept skill in forming (sculpting) and placing the solid silicone implants, removing any chance of implant migration or potential infection, as well as embody a keen sense of aesthetic balance, are typically suited for preforming the procedure. As such, determining the right size and shape is based on the skill of the surgeon. Dr. Adibfar, renowned for assessing accurate proportions, exceptional implant sculpting, and immaculate placement of the implant, can accurately address any concerns, end results and possible changes to the implant after surgery.


Patients who are of average physical condition and good health are selected candidates for the calf augmentation procedure.


Procedure and recovery

Calf augmentations works by enhancing the shape and size of the calf muscle by placing soft, solid silicone implants into the pockets overlying the existing gastrocnemius muscle. The calf muscle, a two-headed muscle (with one head on the upper inside of the leg, and the other on the upper outside of the leg), is located at the back of the leg, just above the knee extending downwards to the Achilles heel.


The implants, which can be either one or two implant per leg, are placed through small incisions in the creases behind the knee. Depending on the desired results, the patient may have only the inner head of the muscle enlarged, the otter head, or both. Dr. Adibfar will assist you in finding the best results to leave you with a more defined, and larger calf.


The recovery period can be divided into short-term surgical recovery and long-term cosmetic recovery.


Surgical recovery is the first week or so following the procedure itself. During this period the patient is instructed to walk around to assist in healing, but when lying or sitting to have legs elevated to reduce swelling and discomfort. Dressings are removed after two days, after which then the patient is encouraged to increase the intensity of their existing walking routine. This allows the muscles to start becoming accustomed to having implants present and the skin of the legs to begin stretching.


Long-term recovery begins two to three weeks after surgery, where normal walking begins; the skin stretches and loses its shiny appearance. Any slight bruising that may be around the incisions will now begin to fade, and scar-minimizing treatment can begin two weeks after the procedure. Weight lifting, cycling, running, etc., is still restricted until roughly a month or two after surgery, but depends on any existing discomfort or swelling. Patients are typically able to return to previous lifestyle with unrestricted activities a maximum of two months after surgery.


For a detailed review of your options when it comes to body enhancements including the tummy tuck and calf implants, contact Dr. Ali Adibfar, one of the best plastic surgeons in Toronto to book your consultation.

Arm Lift

the arm lift


An arm lift (or brachioplasty) reduces excess, hanging skin and cells from the upper portion of the arm. Brachioplasty is ideal for those who have limited fat in the upper arm, those who have endured dramatic weight loss, or suffer the visible effects of aging.

During the procedure, an incision is made on the underside of the arm where excess tissue is removed through liposuction, and excess skin is lifted or removed. Though the procedure results in the scaring of the underside of the arm, the benefits of achieving slimmer and firmer arms often outweigh the prospect of visible scars.


For a detailed review of your options when it comes to body enhancements including the tummy tuck and arm lifts, contact Dr. Ali Adibfar, one of the best plastic surgeons in Toronto to book your consultation.

Fat Grafting

body enhancements: fat grafting


Fat grafting allows for the transfer of fat from one part of the body (or face) to be transferred to another area in order to create or restore volume, and add definition. Fat is taken from areas of the body with excess fat, such as the thigh, and injected into areas such as the face, buttocks, breast, or hands. In any case, fat grafting is a permanent solution, as opposed to temporary dermal fillers, for those who would like to regain volume and fullness in targeted areas.


For a detailed review of your options when it comes to body enhancements including the tummy tuck and fat grafting, contact Dr. Ali Adibfar, one of the best plastic surgeons in Toronto to book your consultation.




Liposuction, a well-known procedure, works to remove minimal unwanted fat deposits and contour the body. Common targeted areas are: the buttocks, the abdomen, thighs, hips, knees, back, and chin.

During the procedure, Dr. Adibfar will make a small incision in the skin, insert a cannula tube, and remove the fat through vacuum pressure. Depending on the extent of the procedure, recovery time varies.


For a detailed review of your options when it comes to body enhancements including the tummy tuck and liposuction, contact Dr. Ali Adibfar, one of the best plastic surgeons in Toronto to book your consultation.

Male Breast Reduction

male breast reduction


A condition that affects the self-esteem of a great portion of the male population, male breasts (or gynecomastia) can be resolved through liposuction with a very minimal recovery time. During the surgery, small incisions will be made, in which then excess fat, skin, and tissue will be removed.


For a detailed review of your options when it comes to body enhancements including the tummy tuck and male breast reduction, contact Dr. Ali Adibfar, one of the best plastic surgeons in Toronto to book your consultation.

The body enhancements and contouring procedures performed by Dr. Adibfar are aimed to improve your shape, size, and profile. A reclaimed youthful appearance of your body can be attained to give you the body you desire.


For detailed discussion and options when it comes to body enhancements, contact Dr. Adibfar to book your consultation.