A painless, non-invasive procedure, Laser Vaginal Tightening offers patients the opportunity to achieve a tighter vagina with no downtime. Providing immediate results, laser vaginal tightening works by heating the collagen in the vaginal tissues, creating an immediate contraction. The targeted photothermal laser pulses, creating little to no discomfort in patients, shortens and thickens vaginal fibers, yielding a tighter feeling vagina.
Also aiding in treatment of urinary incontinence in women, Laser Vaginal Tightening has become an increasingly popular procedure. Offering heightened sexual pleasure with no recovery time, Laser Vaginal Tightening benefits not only the patient herself, but her partner as well.
For those patients who require further tightening than the results achieved from laser vaginal tightening , Dr. Adibfar may suggest a more definitive surgical tightening. The options of surgical versus non-surgical vaginal tightening will be reviewed with you during your comprehensive consultation with Dr. Adibfar.