
The Upper Lip Lift

Have you ever heard of the upper lip lift? As we age, the distance between our nostrils and our top lip can get longer. Some may also have a longer distance between the nostrils and upper lip due to genetics. This can cause the upper lip to look thinner and create a smile that appears more dull as the top teeth are often covered by the upper lip. There is in fact an ideal measurement for the area between the nostrils and upper lip and this is achieved via board-certified cosmetic plastic surgeon Dr. Adibfar’s upper lip lift procedure.


A beautiful smile and well-proportioned facial features can make a remarkable impact on how attractive and harmonious we look. When a smile reveals a little bit of our top teeth we look happier, healthier, and more appealing. Patients with lengthier distances between the nostrils and upper lip often opt for the upper lip lift to improve their smile, allow their top lips to look fuller, and improve their confidence.


Lip Lift Procedure

Although fairly straightforward, facial procedures (especially) need to be performed by a highly experienced board-certified cosmetic surgeon. Dr. Adibfar is a plastic surgeon as well as an oral and maxillofacial surgeon, giving him astute expertise in dental and reconstructive surgery. His broad expert knowledge in these areas allows for high standards and great results, especially for surgeries involving patients’ facial features.


The upper lip lift begins with surgical markings made under the nostrils to delineate how much excess skin will need to be removed. The procedure is also performed under local anesthesia. The incision is then made and Dr. Adibfar carefully removes the excess skin closest to the nostrils. Once removed, the two seams are sutured together, lifting the upper lip and shortening the distance between the upper lip and nostrils.


Lip Lift Post-Op Recovery

Recovery is very tolerable and patients typically return to work after approximately 3-4 days. Patients should expect their lips to swell for up to two weeks and it is advised that high levels of physical activity be avoided for at least two weeks. The incision line is also nicely hidden in the curve or natural crease of the nostrils. When the incision line is fully healed the position of the scar is virtually undetectable.


Get A Consult with Dr. Adibfar Today!

Our patients love the look of this easy and natural-looking procedure. Patients get a more beautiful smile and fuller-looking upper lips without the need for fillers. This procedure also corrects this minor facial imbalance allowing patients to look more attractive and feel more confident.


Click here to learn more or to book a consultation with Toronto’s Elements Spa’s board-certified cosmetic plastic surgeon Dr. Adibfar.