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Taking care of your tummy after a tuck

Planning, preparation and patience are all critical components of tummy tuck recovery. Tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty, is a surgical procedure that involves removing excess skin from the midsection resulting in leaner abdominals. The best candidates for this type of surgery are women and men in generally good health. This allows for quicker healing times, more favourable physical results and less chance of complication or infection.


Tummy Tuck: Preparing before surgery

Recovery times vary from person to person, and while some surgeons suggest a minimum of 2 weeks off work and strenuous exercise, depending on the patient’s body and lifestyle, it can sometimes require a minimum of 6-8 weeks to fully recover before resuming typical daily routines and work schedules. Patients should plan to need at least 2 weeks with possibility of extension depending on their physician’s advice. It’s better to have more time to heal than less, so a schedule that allows for ample time that’s flexible and dependent on their progress is ideal.


Patients should arrange for someone to closely look after them the first few days to a week after surgery. Most time will be spent in bed resting and allowing their body to heal so patients will need someone available to check in, be able to drive if they needed anything or in case of emergency, as well someone to help them bathe after given approval by their doctor. Monitoring a patient’s temperature regularly would also give any indication of possible infection post surgery.


It is critical that patients who have undergone surgery have help from close relatives and friends who are unconditionally supportive and can prioritize their loved one through healing. Recovery times vary from person to person—sometimes with results looking unpleasant before appearing as the patient’s desired results—so having someone optimistic and considerate can play a vital role in the patient’s disposition and perception of healing.



As with any surgery, recovery takes time. Ample rest, healthy balanced meals, light exercise and being surrounded by supportive friends and family, all play fundamental roles in the rehabilitation experience.


The first 2-3 days are best utilized with focus on rest. At this time incisions are only beginning to heal, resulting in abdominal throbbing and swelling. Patients should pay close attention to their physician’s instruction on changing any wound dressings and taking prescribed medication on time. They can expect to feel some pain and discomfort during the healing process, and waiting for the pain to feel fairly strong is not the right time to take medication. Properly timed prescriptions will allow patients to feel less pain between doses.


Patients should not hesitate if they feel the need to contact their physician with any questions or concerns while in recovery. They will feel at ease with the knowledge and tools to better understand what their bodies are going through, as well as to bring any complications to the physician’s attention. As days and weeks pass, they will get stronger and heal faster, allowing patients to acclimate back into their normal every day routines.


Typically, the patient won’t be allowed to bathe for 5-7 days post surgery. Physicians will give their patient specific instruction as to when and how to best bathe so that healing is not disrupted and there is less chance of the incision getting infected. Circulation and blood flow are also great for encouraging the body’s immune system to repair the body. Low intensity exercises and leisurely walks outdoors will also ease swelling and prevent any blood clots from forming.


Resuming everyday routines

Patients should always wait for their physician’s approval before resuming their normal routines. Rushing into performing strenuous activity (physical exercise, heavy lifting, sexual intercourse etc.) runs the risk of possible infection and reopened incisions, resulting in the need for more time to heal, as well an increased chance of more prominent scarring. Patients are best to remind themselves to be compassionate and patient with their bodies while following their physician’s instructions diligently.


For patients undergoing full abdominoplasty, scars can take months to heal. As the patient’s incision closes, scars may appear thick and raised. With proper rest and recovery, over time, scars will eventually fade and flatten. Physicians will likely be able to offer scar minimizing treatments in the future after the patient has fully healed from their tummy tuck.


Dr. Ali Adibfar is well-noted as one of the most experienced in his craft. He positions incisions to allow for coverage, leaving scars less visible to the patient and his or her peers. Individuals considering abdominoplasty should always check with an experienced physician to determine whether it is the right decision for them. Dr. Ali Adibfar gives his patients the necessary foundational knowledge needed to assess the procedure, and his level of compassion, skill and professionalism are unmatched and consistently referred.


Click here to learn more about abdominoplasty and other body enhancements, or to book a consultation.