
Struggling With Back Fat?

The dreaded back fat… Many women of all shapes and sizes struggle with back fat and the pesky bra bulge. Having that extra back fat can make wearing a bra of any kind uncomfortable as it digs into your skin, as well as relays the appearance of rolls and bulges along your back, making finding flattering clothing hard or even impossible at times. Fortunately, board-certified cosmetic plastic surgeon Dr. Adibfar has easy and efficient surgical solutions to smooth out your back and get you into the clothes you love while feeling great!


While living a healthy and active lifestyle is certainly important, spot treating your body with exercise and diet alone unfortunately will not impact some of those specific areas of your body. Dr. Adibfar utilizes tailored techniques including liposuction, body contouring, and body lifting to smooth the back and create a seamless contour with the rest of the back and body. Patients will be happy to know that the back is one of the easier areas to apply liposuction and access the excess back fat.


Dr. Adibfar utilizes PAL, also known as power-assisted liposuction. PAL is a type of liposuction that involves a cannula at the end of a handpiece that gently vibrates through the tissues to remove excess fat without damaging or tearing underlying tissues compared to less modern liposuction techniques.


PAL is also safer, more precise, less invasive, and requires fewer entry points which in turn allows the patient’s body to recover faster. Depending on the patient, Dr. Adibfar may also need to remove excess skin alongside fat. Once the excess back fat (and possible skin) is removed and sutured, patients are advised to follow Dr. Adibfar’s detailed post-operative recovery instructions. Fortunately for patients, recovery from liposuction is tolerated very well and swiftly with the guidance of Dr. Adibfar.


After a full recovery patients happily notice the reduction and removal of back rolls, bulges, and fat lumps alongside smoother and tighter skin along the back and near the armpits. And Dr. Adibfar always works safely and efficiently to assure the best and most natural-looking results possible.


By evaluating each individual’s body composition, skin texture, skin elasticity, and many other factors, Dr. Adibfar can deliver results that his patients are thrilled with. Patients are then able to participate at the gym more comfortably, pick out supportive bras, and enjoy wearing flattering clothing without worrying about bulging skin. If you have suffered with the insecurity of having excess back fat then feel free to contact our helpful staff to inquire about your surgical options.


Click here to learn more or to book a consultation with one of Toronto’s leading board-certified cosmetic plastic surgeons, Dr. Adibfar.