
Best plastic surgeon toronto

Revolutionary Plastic Surgery Procedures to Lift Sagging Skin

Plastic surgery has been around for decades. While it has been growing in popularity significantly over the past few years, the facelift has been a procedure that many people can recognize immediately. From mainstream pop culture to media articles and celebrity makeovers, the facelift is synonymous with plastic surgery. “Often when people think about plastic surgery, they immediately think about facelifts,” said Dr. Ali Adibfar, one of Toronto’s best plastic surgeons and the medical director of one of Toronto’s best medical spa clinics. “But options available today for men and women are remarkably diverse.”


Historically, the facelift may have been the only procedure that could address sagging skin. But today there is a long list of amazing plastic surgery procedures that can lift, tighten and address problem areas. From upper arm lifts, body lifts and thigh lifts to brow lifts, neck lifts and buttock lifts, there is a plastic surgery procedure that can meet almost anyone’s beauty needs and goals. 


“Sagging skin is often caused by the natural aging process, weight loss or pregnancy,” said Dr. Adibfar, a top Toronto plastic surgeon. “But just because a client has sagging skin, it doesn’t mean they have to live with it forever. Our team of plastic surgery specialists can select the perfect procedure to address the specific area of concern.” 


With so many plastic surgery options available, what do you need to know? Let’s take a closer look at the common body areas that can be redefined with customized lift procedures.


Body Lift Procedures: Redefining Your Appearance 

This is a much larger procedure to undergo. Plastic surgery procedures on the body, whether the thighs, abdomen or hips, often require more recovery time because they are larger in nature. A body lift is a combination of lift procedures that reshape and tone the body by removing excess skin and underlying fat. “A body lift procedure often focuses on the abdomen and the back area,” said Dr. Adibfar. “Depending on the client’s body and needs, we may recommend liposuction to be performed simultaneously in an effort to completely redefine their appearance.”


Because a body lift is a much more extensive plastic surgery procedure, it requires the client to undergo general anesthesia and spend one night  in the hospital to ensure the results are long lasting and harmonized.


Facelift Procedures: Amazing Results

Facelifts are commonly performed to redefine a client’s face by creating a more slender, youthful and firmer appearance. A facelift can effectively re-contour your neck, jawline and cheeks. “As we age, our face will change shape and leave many yearning for that youthful appearance they once had,” said Dr. Adibfar, one of Toronto’s best plastic surgeons. “A facelift performed by a trusted, board-certified plastic surgeon can effectively redefine a person’s face by creating a more harmonized and contoured appearance that makes you look and feel younger.”


Depending on your needs and beauty goals, a plastic surgeon may recommend eyelid surgery, fat grafting, Botox, fillers or other procedures that can compliment a facelift treatment. “Our team of plastic surgery specialists will thoroughly review each facelift client’s body and needs to accurately select the right procedures that can create a more youthful, sexier appearance,”explain Dr. Adibfar.


Thighs Lift Procedures: Contouring Your Legs

Many men and women can accumulate excess skin and fat in the thighs, which can have a significant impact on their confidence and appearance. Those who are living with thighs that have excess skin or fat can be uncomfortable wearing shorts or tight fitting pants. While decades ago there may not have been any other way to address these issues other than exercise and dieting, today there is a revolutionary plastic surgery procedure that can deliver incredible results. 


“Fat accumulation or excesses skin from significant weight loss can leave thigh’s less than beautiful,” said Dr. Adibfar, Toronto’s leading authority on plastic surgery and the medcial director of Yorkville’s top medi spa clinics. “A thigh liftcan effectively remove excess skin and fat to redefine how a client’s legs look. The result is life changing.”


Buttock Lifts: We All Want a Sexy Butt

Large, curvaceous butts are taking over the media. From Kim Kardashian on the cover of almost every magazine to Nicki Minaj’s large buttocks dominating social media, a sexy bum has become something many women desire. “We’ve seen a larger increase in the number of women who are looking for a plastic surgery transformation that delivers a more pronounced and sexier buttock,” said Dr. Ali Adibfar. “A Brazilian butt lift, which incorporates fat grafting, has become one of the most popular procedures we offer at our Toronto medical clinic.”


During a Brazilian butt lift procedure, fat is collected through liposuction and then injected into the buttocks. This approach can deliver a fuller contour in a safe and effective way. Butt implants are offered as well, especially in patients who do not have adequate amount of fat for transfer, to deliver natural, sexy results.