
Lose the Double Chin For A More Contoured Jaw

With the increased amount of social media and virtual meetings, we are more aware than ever of our profiles and facial angles. Many patients seek the expertise of their board-certified cosmetic plastic surgeon to remove their double chins and refine their jaws. In this article, we’ll be exploring some options and reviewing how Toronto’s board-certified cosmetic plastic surgeon Dr. Adibfar helps his patients achieve the streamlined jawline of their dreams.


Defining Your Jawline

Having a well-defined jawline is smooth and youthful-looking. That means that there’s less skin laxity and fat deposits and the skin around the jaw and chin looks tight and natural. While there certainly are more noninvasive procedures to target this area (which Dr. Adibfar also performs on younger patients with minor signs of laxity), patients with excess skin and fat laxity around the jaw and chin are most often best suited to surgical intervention including a facelift and/or neck lift.


Patients may find they have excessive fat deposits or skin laxity around their jaws and chins for various reasons. This can include genetic factors, the natural aging process, lifestyle, and more. With every patient, Dr. Adibfar considers all factors and creates a detailed and highly-tailored surgical and recovery plan to best suit each patient’s needs and desired outcomes.



For patients with more excessive removal needed, Dr. Adibfar will use liposuction alongside his specialized contouring techniques. Mature patients requiring a facelift can efficiently have the lower third of their faces addressed by targeting the laxity on the sides of their face, jowls, and chin. Dr. Adibfar does this by strategically placing incisions under the chin and in and around the ears for access to any lax fat deposits and the possibility of removing any excess skin.



For patients receiving a facelift, a neck lift can complement the results very well. Excess skin or fat laxity around the chin and jaw can be removed and streamlined however if the neck shows lax skin and muscle  separation then it won’t appear to flow well with a surgically enhanced facelift o nly. For obvious reasons, these patients would benefit from the complimentary neck lift.


A neck lift would involve reattaching any separated platysma muscles as well as removing any fat deposits under the chin and contouring the jawline for skin that’s contoured, revitalized, and younger-looking. After a full recovery, patients are thrilled to see the improvement in their profiles alongside a smooth jaw and a beautiful chin.


Contact Dr.Adibfar today!

If you find that you’re only looking for subtle enhancements to your chin, then feel free to reach out to Dr. Adibfar and his team to discuss the possibility of nonsurgical options.


Click here to learn more or to book a consultation with Toronto’s Elements Spa’s board-certified cosmetic plastic surgeon Dr. Adibfar.