
Getting Natural Results From Femalte-To-Male Top Surgery

What Is Female-To-Male (FTM) Top Surgery

Female-to-male (FTM) top surgery is a masculinizing surgery performed on the patient’s chest. It involves removing the right amount of breast tissue lending results that are more classically masculine-looking. Board-certified cosmetic plastic surgeon Dr. Adibfar has the technical expertise and experience necessary to lend results that are conservative and natural-looking.


The Process of Female-To-Male Top Surgery

A consultation is incredibly important. During your consult, you will discover the details of FTM surgery as well as what you can expect during your recovery period. Dr. Adibfar will detail several of his techniques to assure that the surgery will address your individual needs and desires.


Before heading into surgery, Dr. Adibfar will make clearly detailed markings on the patient’s chest to differentiate the areas that need to be removed as well as to help position the nipple and contour the breast after the excess tissue is removed.


Keyhole Surgery & Liposuction

For patients with less breast tissue and great skin quality, keyhole surgery can be used to create an incision along the bottom of the nipple. This would allow Dr. Adibfar ample space to remove the excess breast tissue.


Patients with larger chests may require a second incision in order to access more excess breast tissue for removal. The first incision would be made around the nipple with the second made in the fold under the breast. In other cases, Dr. Adibfar may feel it best to remove the nipple altogether and secure it back to the breast after all the excess breast tissue is removed.


In most cases where patients have larger breasts, liposuction is needed to smooth all the areas out by suctioning any excess tissue that may add fullness to the results. Patients with thin chest walls may be able to avoid liposuction during the procedure. With a double incision procedure, liposuction is often required and utilized.


Essentially, Dr. Adibfar’s goal is to define the patient’s pectoral muscles by thinning out the breast tissue and positioning the nipple in place for a more masculine chest contour. It is crucial patients choose a qualified board-certified plastic surgeon with experience to assure a smooth contoured chest and consistent skin thickness and symmetry across the chest.

Contact Dr. Adibfar Today For More Information!

Patients are pleased to see their more masculine silhouettes come to life. After a full recovery patients are thrilled to be able to wear more fitted shirts as well as feel more comfortable in the way they present themselves to the world. Gender-affirming surgeries are procedures Dr. Adibfar and his team handle with the utmost safety, professionalism, and compassion. If you would like to learn more then feel free to contact us at any time to find out more about FTM surgery or any other gender-affirming surgeries by board-certified cosmetic plastic surgeon Dr. Adibfar.


Click here to learn more or to book a consultation with Toronto’s Elements Spa’s board-certified cosmetic plastic surgeon Dr. Adibfar.