

calf implants

Calf Implants for Shapely Legs

Calf augmentation (via calf implants) is one of the most fast growing procedures in both male and female patients. Despite regular physical exercise, many of these patients aren’t seeing the shapely results they desire in the back of their lower legs. This is because genetics play a big determining role in the way our calf muscles develop and grow, causing patients a lot of frustration and leaving them eager for results.

During the initial consultation, Dr. Adibfar runs through all procedural details and ultimately determines whether the patient is an ideal candidate. He will also assess the patient’s natural leg shape and choose the most beneficial option when deciphering between the amount of implants needed, as well which implant’s shape would be best suited to the patient’s leg.

Calf augmentation is performed under anesthesia and begins with the patient lying on his or her stomach. A small, easily hidden incision is made in the crease of the back of the knee where the soft implant is then gently slid into the dissected pocket. Placement of the implant is crucial. The implant must be placed safely over the leg muscle, or gastrocnemius muscle, and under the fascia, a thick layer of fat that lays over the muscle and will keep the implant in place. Depending on the desired look and the patient’s natural leg shape and size, each leg may require one or two implants for natural-looking, symmetrical and well-balanced results. Once the implants are placed and the ideal leg shape is achieved, the small incision is closed and dressings are wrapped around the knees which are typically removed after a few days.

During recovery, patients will experience soreness when attempting to stretch out the leg. This may make it painful or uncomfortable to walk for the first few days and patients may want to slowly acclimate to flat shoes by wearing shoes with a thicker wedge to buffer the floor’s impact. Patients should continue to move around and gently walk to encourage circulation, prevent possible infection or complication, and accelerate healing. When sleeping or resting, patients are advised to keep legs elevated using cushions to alleviate any discomfort.

The results are seen immediately after surgery, and after one week, the legs begin to acclimate to the implants and the soreness begins to dissipate. Bruises may still be apparent around the incision lines however will slowly begin to fade as the recovery process continues. Depending on how well a patient heals, patients will typically be allowed to return to strenuous activities such as heavy lifting and running, around four to eight weeks after surgery.

There are many unfortunate cases of patients who undergo calf augmentation with inexperienced surgeons. Implants may be misplaced leaving the leg looking incredibly unnatural, and making the appearance of an implant look obvious within the leg. It is stressed that patients should always seek the services of a board-certified plastic surgeon who has extensive experience in performing multiple calf augmentations on patients of various shapes and sizes. An experienced surgeon will know precisely how to analyze the shape of the leg, choose the right implants and amounts, as well be able to best position, contour and sculpt the leg for results that look attractive, muscular and natural while keeping the patient’s safety as top priority.

Click here to book a consultation with one of Toronto’s best board-certified cosmetic plastic surgeons, Dr. Adibfar.