Bye Bye Bra Bulge
Are you finding that you’re constantly adjusting your bra, turning around to see fat peeking out around your armpits and bra line? For many women (and men), their biggest fashion challenge is trying to find clothes to conceal those dreaded rolls and bulges. Many women complain about skin and fat that folds over the edge of their everyday bras, tanks, and sports bras. Most are also fed up with trying every exercise and diet plan under the sun to essentially melt the fat in this area with little to no results. So, what can board-certified cosmetic plastic surgeon Dr. Adibfar do about it? Dr. Adibfar understands the hard work and strenuous effort it takes to maintain a healthy, active lifestyle. And while we should all certainly do our best to eat healthily and take care of our bodies, there are some areas of our bodies that simply won’t budge with diet and exercise alone. Let’s learn more about how Dr. Adibfar addresses the ‘bra bulge’ and how you can get rid of back rolls and bulges and essentially smooth and tighten your skin!
Skin laxity around the back and arms can be disturbing for a lot of patients. The reality is, you cannot exercise your skin and the back fat accentuated when wearing a bra can’t be spot-treated or targeted with specific workouts. Patients will need to consider plastic surgery. The ‘bra bulge’ can appear in different areas on a patient. Maybe there’s an excess of skin and/or fat hanging out the front by the armpit, or maybe apparent rolls are sitting on top and below the back of the bra line. Either way, Dr. Adibfar tailors all his procedures to each patient’s desires and constitution to provide results that are not only beautiful but are also seamless with the remaining untouched areas of the patient’s body.
For patients with excess skin and fat around the armpit, Dr. Adibfar may need to perform a Brachioplasty or arm lift. This procedure involves the removal of skin and fat on the upper arms via liposuction and sculpting. Some may refer to these as ‘bat wings.’ Once the excess is removed, the remaining tissues are contoured so that the remaining fat sits elegantly allowing for a smoother, tighter, more toned and stronger-looking upper arm.
Along with this procedure, many patients opt to have the rolls, folds and bulges removed from their backs. This may be referred to as a back lift. As mentioned, these bulges are accentuated when wearing a bra, but also exist more apparently on more mature patients. As we age our skin naturally becomes lax as gravity begins to pull it downward. For these patients, Dr. Adibfar will begin by marking the bra line to get a better indication of scar healing and placement. Small incisions are then made along the marked bra line to allow Dr. Adibfar access to dissect and remove the excess fat tissue, as well as skin. The remaining skin is then pulled and sutured together for a smoother, tighter silhouette. What remains is a fantastic lift from the buttocks up to the armpit. Patients notice dramatic results from the reduction and removal of back rolls and folds, lessening the appearance of any hanging flanks and love handles. They also love being able to show off their bodies in new clothes!
Although noninvasive treatments can not replace the efficiency and effectiveness of a surgical procedure, patients seeking nonsurgical intervention should inquire about cool sculpting.
Click here ( to learn more or to book a consultation with Toronto’s Elements Spa’s board-certified cosmetic plastic surgeon Dr. Adibfar.