
Breast Augmentation After Pregnancy

After pregnancy and nursing, a woman’s breasts can change significantly. Once a mother’s child-bearing years and nursing are concluded, she may opt for a breast augmentation to regain lost volume and more youthful-looking, beautiful breasts similar to her pre-pregnancy profile. Let’s take a closer look at the appropriate time to get breast augmentation after pregnancy, as well as what the procedure entails.


As mentioned, when a mother is no longer nursing and not planning on having more children, an ideal time to think about breast augmentation would be when your body has stabilized and you no longer see fluctuations in the size of your breasts. Essentially, we would like to see a mother’s hormones and weight stabilized which could be anywhere between 3-5 months after concluding breastfeeding. After a thorough consultation with Dr. Adibfar, together you will be better able to determine a more specific and appropriate time for a successful breast augmentation.


As all women have different shaped and sized breasts, the changes they go through after pregnancy and nursing differ as well. As with all breast augmentations, Dr. Adibfar will individually tailor the procedure and techniques to best give you the results you desire. Some women may experience more volume loss after pregnancy. Others may find that they desire more lift or restoration of symmetry in their chest along with a combination of other tweaks. The options and customizations are endless and with a thorough consultation and discussion including the mother’s desires and realistic expectations, certainly, a beautiful result can be achieved.


Your breast augmentation will provide you with fuller, shapely, and more youthful-looking breasts while still looking natural and proportioned to your body thanks to Dr. Adibfar’s specialized skill set and techniques. While the surgery does require some recovery, new mothers need not fret that they’d have to temporarily abandon their responsibilities to their babies or children. Alongside pain medications, Dr. Adibfar’s specific recovery techniques will allow mothers to get back to their normal day-to-day routines as quickly as possible. Of course, if you can get assistance from close family or friends shortly after the procedure, that could also be very helpful.


Your breast augmentation may or may not include a lift, implants, and other augmentation techniques to fulfill your wishes from your surgery. We strive to get these hard-working mothers results that include improving their proportions, increasing fullness, and overall enhancing their confidence. Many mothers come into our office feeling as though their self-esteem has deflated and it’s incredible to see their confidence come back as we help them regain a more feminine silhouette.


If you’re a mother who is looking to improve their breasts and confidence after having had children, then a highly-tailored breast augmentation by Dr. Adibfar may be the right decision for you. After a thorough consultation and informative session, we are confident that you will be able to determine whether this procedure is right for you.


Click here to learn more or to book a consultation with one of Toronto’s leading board-certified cosmetic plastic surgeons, Dr. Adibfar.