

Body Contour

3 Body Contouring Procedures that Blast Fat! 

Are you sick of working out and trying to target areas of your body that seem to desperately hold on to stubborn fat? Is there an easier way of getting rid of fat so you can transform yourself with as little struggle as possible? With these body contouring procedures, you can enjoy a flatter tummy, slimmer thighs and a healthier looking body that you’ve been working for and dreaming about! Here are insights into the 3 most popular procedures and treatments for blasting fat.


Liposuction is perhaps the most well-recognized fat removal method. By definition, liposuction refers to removing stubborn areas of fat in the body. While most women’s ideal body shape is hour glass, liposuction is often used on men to resemble more of a V like structure from shoulders to hips. Liposuction is ideal for treating common areas such as the abdominals, hips, chin and waist. Naturally, we are all genetically predisposed to different body shapes with some areas being larger or smaller, as well as certain areas which appear out of proportion to the rest of the body. Some women or men have a bit of a pot belly, while others appear to display more asymmetry in the distribution of fat in their body that no amount of dedication, healthy eating or exercise can bring into balance. Liposuction is a phenomenal procedure for bringing the body into aesthetic balance. While many assume that liposuction exists as a form of weight loss, it should be disregarded as such, and viewed more so as a treatment for balancing areas of fat in the body for more proportion. For this reason it is vital patients seek the expertise of a board-certified plastic surgeon with an aesthetic eye who can best decipher how different areas of the body (when treated with liposuction) may impact other areas of the body and possibly skew the balance. Dr. Adibfar uses his fine attention to detail to carefully examine each patient and tailor the procedure to their body shape in a way that compliments their structure while providing optimal results. Patients receiving liposuction may also do so in combination with other procedures for best results.

Tummy Tuck

An abdominoplasty, or tummy tuck, is an especially popular procedure among women who’ve had children (and have decided they will no longer have children), as well as any patients who have experienced significant weight loss and notice excess remaining skin around their abdominals. Much like liposuction, a tummy tuck should not be regarded as a weight loss procedure, but rather a sculpting and tightening procedure that allows patients to regain a leaner, flatter looking stomach. Ideal candidates for this procedure are patients who are finding that eating healthy and leading a physically active lifestyle is having no affect on their lower abdominals, patients with excess skin saggng from previous weight loss, as well as mothers who are having trouble regaining their pre-pregnancy stomach. Whether it be because of excessive weight gain or pregnancy, our stomach muscles may stretch apart. And while losing weight can help slightly, with some patients no amount of exercise or weight loss can pull the muscles back into alignment without intervention. For these reasons a tummy tuck may not only involve the removal of excess skin and the fat attached to it, but also the horizontal tightening of these stretched muscles which are pulled back together and secured with sutures. Swelling and bruising greatly subsides around 2 weeks post procedure, and 6 to 8 weeks after patients are typically able to get back to the gym and resume many strenuous physical activities.


Want the body contouring without the stitches? Then BodyFX may be the treatment for you. This quick, painless, no downtime, in office procedure is noninvasive and can be performed on your lunch break. It’s one of the most popular nonsurgical treatments and can be performed on virtually any part of the body as long as it provides enough suction for the hand piece. BodyFX works via radio frequency to suction a portion of fat (or the area to be treated) and heat it up to approximately 40 degrees Celsius. The targeted heat not only tightens the skin, but also melts away and destroys fat cells that are then reabsorbed into the body. There is no pain involved and patients may experience slight redness and bruising in the treated area. Because it is a noninvasive procedure, the results are not immediate, however after the first few sessions patients will notice great improvement. Most patients are typically advised to undergo 6-8 sessions spaced one week between each. Two to three months after their sessions are complete, patients will see the full effects of BodyFX as the collagen in the body has had more time to develop momentum from the treatments. The most commonly treated areas are the abdominals, inner thighs, back of the legs, hips, waist and arms. BodyFX also provides the added bonus of significantly reducing cellulite after having gone through the series of sessions.

Click here to learn more about Elements Spa’s various fat blasting procedures and treatments or to book a consultation with one of Toronto’s best board-certified cosmetic plastic surgeons Dr. Adibfar.