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Chin Implant Benefits: There Are Many

Chin implant benefits are wide ranging. And this procedure is growing in popularity. The chin is a big part of your beauty. It’s a focal point for a person’s face that can often be an area that many want to adjust or enhance. “We’re working with more men and women today that want to undergo a chin implant procedure to fix their facial appearance,” said Dr. Ali Adibfar, the medical director at one of Toronto’s best medical spas. “A small or slim chin can create an unharmonized appearance that many struggle with.”


For men, a sculpted, strong and chiselled chin is synonymous with strength and manliness.


For women, a contoured and harmonized chin is synonymous with sexiness, beauty and can contribute to a stunning facial appearance.


There are a wide variety of chin implant benefits that can give you a beautiful appearance. Whether male or female, chin implants have many benefits that can form the basis for a stunning facial appearance. “We use tailored chin implants to restore volume and definition while creating a balanced, symmetrical contour that is in line with each individual patient’s needs,” explained Dr. Adibfar, a leader in the Toronto plastic surgery industry.


Let’s take a closer look at what’s involved in a chin implant, the benefits of this plastic surgery procedure and what you can expect if you partner with us on this beauty journey.


Chin Implant Benefits: What Can I Expect During My Chin Implant Procedure?

Chin implants are often performed in conjunction with other plastic surgery procedures such as neck lifts, face lifts, Botox and rhinoplasty. These procedures are used to enhance the entire facial appearance to match the new chin. “We typically use other procedures such as these to make a patient’s face look symmetrical, harmonized and naturally beautiful,” says Dr. Adibfar.


Chin augmentations are often completed by our expert plastic surgery team under local anesthesia on an outpatient basis. Depending on the individual patient’s body, these procedures typically take between 30 and 60 minutes to complete. There are several methods of chin implants that our team may employ. The most common is when  either the skin under the chin or the tissues inside the mouth are surgically cut and the implant is shaped around the jawbone to create the contours of the new facial structure. “No two patients are alike. That’s the beauty of plastic surgery. Everyone is unique. We’ll select the right chin implant approach that meets your individual needs,” explains Dr. Adibfar. “We spend a considerable amount of time during the consultation phase to identify the most appropriate methods to deliver the best results in the safest manner possible.”


Chin Implant Benefits: What Does a Chin Implant Do?

Chin implants may sound fairly straight forward, but there’s still some confusion around what they actually do. Essentially, a chin implant is used to improve a patient’s facial proportions, contours and shape by carefully altering their dimensions. For example, if you have a small chin, we’ll use a chin implant to add the appropriate width, height and projection that creates a beautifully natural appearance. “Although a chin implant can be considered a small procedure, it can deliver life changing results from a beauty and confidence perspective,” said Dr. Adibfar.


Taking a closer look, a chin implant can:

  • Increase the width of a chin
  • Increase the strength of a chin
  • Increase projection or in other words, how far it protrudes from the face
  • Reduce the appearance of jowls
  • Increase the chin’s vertical height
  • Deliver a harmonized, natural and proportionate contour that enhances your appearance and beauty


Am I a Good Candidate for Chin Implants?

Have you ever wished you had a more defined chin like your favourite A-list celebrities? Do you wish your face was more symmetrical and harmonized? When you look in the mirror, do you see a “weak” or small looking chin? Maybe you even feel you don’t have a chin at all. There are many reasons why you may be unhappy with your chin’s appearance. But you don’t have to live with being unhappy with your facial contours. There are many chin implant benefits that can redefine your beauty. By partnering with a trusted, board-certified plastic surgeon, you can have that beautiful appearance you’ve always wanted.


Great candidates for a chin implant procedure often:

  • Have an under projected chin
  • Have a narrow chin and are looking for a wider or more square shape
  • Have a short chin and are searching for more length
  • Have a short distance between their chin and their neck
  • Are searching for a more defined structure that is proportionate to the rest of their facial features


If you’re unhappy with your facial appearance and are searching for a way to enhance your beauty, book a consultation with our expert Toronto plastic surgery team. We’ll be able to identify the ways a chin implant can help meet your expectations. “We highly recommend booking an initial consultation to learn more about the chin implant benefits available to you,” says Dr. Adibfar. “This will let us review your body and needs; providing us with the opportunity to tailor the implant to your unique facial structure.”


What Can I Expect After My Chin Implant Surgery is Completed?

Understanding the entire chin implant procedure process is a critical part in ensuring you’re making the right decision for your beauty goals. A big part of the equation is what happens after the chin implant is completed. “Chin implants are amazing procedures that can deliver incredible results,” explains Dr. Adibfar. “There are no major risks, but you’ll likely experience swelling and bruising immediately after the procedure is completed. But this is natural and will subside quickly.”


After the chin implant is completed, you’ll typically experience some minor discomfort during the days following the surgery. You may find it uncomfortable to smile even though that’s all you’ll want to do once you see your new appearance. “Our team of plastic surgery experts will provide a comprehensive recuperation plan that will make the recovery phase as easy as possible,” says Dr. Adibfar. “Safety and comfort is something we take great pride in and we’ll do everything we can to set you up for success so you can fully enjoy your new appearance.”


What Else Should I Consider Before a Chin Implant Procedure?

Our plastic surgery team believes being fully educated on any procedure is critically important to your beauty. That’s why we spend so much time educating our clients on every aspect of the procedure they’re about to undergo.


There are many chin implant benefits, but there are a few things you should know:

  • Chin implants can enhance your appearance in dramatic or subtle ways. We encourage you to consider exactly what you expect from the procedure. Before the initial consultation, determine what your ideal chin would look like. Is it wider? More pronounced? More defined? Our team will do a full analysis and make recommendations, but if you can articulate your “dream chin”, we will be in a better position to deliver amazing results.
  • Men and women are not one in the same. It’s important to be aware that while men may want a stronger looking chin, the same approach would give a masculine look on a woman.
  • We encourage you to think about your chin in the context of your overall appearance. While a chin implant may seem like the best choice, you may want to enhance other elements of your face through complimenting procedures such as a neck lift, facelift or neck liposuction. These types of procedures can make your new chin look even better and create a facial appearance that is completely symmetrical and beautiful. “We don’t expect you to know what other procedures could deliver the best results,” says Dr. Adibfar. “We’ll work with you to identify other options that could enhance your new chin and help meet your ideal expectations.”